Online Casino - Live Poker Guide

This is a quick and simple guide for beginners playing Live Poker. In Live Poker there will be only one deck of cards used. There are 52 cards in a deck of cards with 4 different suits (Hearts, Diamonds, Spades and Clubs).

You will be dealt 2 cards and you will see 5 cards in the middle of the table. What you need to do is create the best hand from the 7 cards combined to make the best 5 card hand. Different hands however will beat others. Below will explain what hands are best to help you create the best hand to beat the dealer.

Online Casino - Live Poker Hand Rankings

1. High Card - High card is the worst hand in Poker. This is when all 7 cards together don't form any of the following; a pair, 2 pair, a flush or a straight. When none of these are formed your only hand will be a High Card. The Ace will count as a high card in this situation.

2. A Pair - A Pair is when you have a 2 cards that match out of the 7. You could have 1 card in your hand that matches one of the 5 cards shown on the table or you could have 2 cards in your hand that match. If both players have the same pair, then the winner will be decided with who has the highest kicker. (Kicker is the highest card). If both players have the same then the pot will be split.

3. 2 Pair - 2 Pair is when you have 2 cards that match 2 different cards. If you have 2 different cards in your hand for example K + 8, and there is a K + 8 in the 5 cards on the table then you will have 2 pair. If you have a pair in your hand and their is a pair on the board then you will also have 2 pair. If both you and the dealer have 2 pair then it will be whoever has the highest pair wins. If you both have the highest pair it will then be who has the second highest pair wins. If both players have the same 2 pair it will then go down to the highest kicker. Whoever has the highest kicker wins. If both players have the same kicker then it will be a split pot.

4. Three of a Kind - Three of a kind may also be known as 'Trips' or 'a Set'. Three of a Kind is when you get 3 cards that are matching. If both you and the dealer have Three of a Kind then it will be the one who has the highest Three of a Kind wins. If you both have the same 3 of a Kind then it will be the highest kicker wins. If you both have the same hand it will be a split pot.

5. Straight - A straight is when you get 5 cards that follow one after another. For example; 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. (This can be in any suit, they don't have to be the same suit for a straight). If both you and the dealer have a straight, the winner will be the one who has the highest straight. If you both have the same straight it will be a split pot.

6. Flush - A Flush is when you receive 5 cards that are all of the same suit. If you and the dealer both have a flush the one who has the highest card will win. If all 5 of the cards on the board are the same suit, and neither you or the dealer has one of that suit, it will be a split pot.

7. Full House - A Full House is when you receive Three of a Kind and a Pair in the same hand. An example of this would be 8, 8, 8, Q & Q. This would be known as 8's full of Queens. If the dealer also has a full house it will be decided on who has the biggest 3 of a Kind. If they are the same it will then go to who has the biggest pair. If these are the same it will be a split pot.

8. 4 of a Kind - 4 of a Kind is also known as 'Quads'. This is one of the best hands in the game and this is when you receive 4 cards that are the same. For example; 10, 10, 10, 10. If both you and the dealer have the same 4 of a Kind it will be down to who has the highest kicker. Whoever has the highest kicker wins, if this is the same it will be a split pot.

9. Straight Flush - A straight flush is one of the best hands you can get in Poker. This is when you receive 5 cards that follow one another and are all in the same suit. For example. 2, 3 ,4 , 5 & 6 all in the same suit. If both you and the dealer have a straight flush, the player with the highest straight flush wins. There can not be a split pot with this hand.

10. Royal Flush - This is the best hand in the game and is incredibly rare to even see never mind to have. This is when you have; 10, Jack, Queen, King & Ace all in the same suit. Nothing can beat this hand. If you receive this hand prepare to count your winnings.

Another main strategy that some players will use is called the Bluff. This can however work differently when playing in a casino compared to on an online casino UK.

So what is a Bluff?

A bluff is when a bet / raise is made with a hand that is not the best hand available. This is to make the other player(s) think that your hand is stronger than what it actually is.

This can make the other player(s) fold their hand as they will think that your hand is a lot better than it really is.
However, if you try and bluff a player who actually has a really strong / the winning hand then you can lose more money than needed.
So when playing Live Poker on an online casino you have to make sure you play your bluff at the right time.

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